Monday, September 5, 2011

first recollection of reading a children's book

I still remember the first book that I read all by myself, I think I was around 6 years old at the time. What I remember most is that I was proud about reading the whole book without needing any help.

Also it was important to me that it was a book my grandma had given me instead of being a book from school with super big letters. I guess this was important because it meant it was a 'regular' book and not one used specifically for learning how to read. I read the book outloud to my grandma after I had read it to myself. 

My excitement of being able to read on my own is a more vivid memory than the details of the story.  I even saved the book and would occasionally read it out of nostalgia. All that I can remember is that the book was about a white girl playing outside and that the illustrations were kind of boring with plain colors, not bright colors that I usually liked.

Being biracial, I was used to having books with characters of different races, still there were rarely characters that were mixed like me. But I don't remember consciously thinking about this until I was around 7 or 8 years old.  So I am not sure if my memory of the main character being different than me was a first impression or something I noticed later on.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you mention the importance of your relationship to a book, with the gift your grandmother gave you. Sharing literature, and books, with another person is a true gift.
